Friday, October 3, 2014

10 reasons why I don't like Teen Titans go

This is just a list of thing that I really don't like in Teen Titans Go. I had originally shrugged it off as a show more about comedy then action like the original Teen Titans. However these are things that just annoy me so much.

10) Cyborg and Jynx dating.
Now I don't read the Teen Titans comics, so I have NO idea if this happens normally. However it seems to be just really weird. I can see it being a good thing, but based on this show it just doesn't feel like they can do it well.
It was a badly executed Romeo and Juliet from what I saw.

9) Robin is useless
He is in this version, no powers, low self esteem, extremely violent, and pretty much incapable of anything. I have noticed a running theme of him being picked on, overreacting and other annoying traits. Since this isn't a show with a plot, there is no hope he will never grow. Robin also can't catch a break. Even when he wins he looses. A joke that future Robin Nightwing has gotten over his petty things Robin had but he lived sad and alone.
Maybe the most useful i've seen him be without beating something with his staff...and he's buying bread...

8) Raven is shunned
So I loved Raven in the Teen Titans show, she was an interesting character. Here she isn't really. They never listen to her warnings, in a more recent episode, she and Robin get to meet 'the Magic God' and Robin was better at Magic then Raven...

Yeah...this show feels more about BBxRaven then anything
Oh yeah, this too Raven is a pony fan (though it's different in the show) and she keeps it hidden from the others. I have mixed feelings of this.

7) Intelligence IS BAD
This show, like many shows I have issue with, they insult logic and reason. Then when it looks like Logic and reason are needed and can teach a valid reason. NOPE a more stupid method or violent method is needed to win. They had one episode about Reading where it ends with the titans coming to the conclusion 'reading is dangerous' what a wonderful thing to say at the end of a kids show....
 Yeah this isn't norm but still this level of stupidity was allowed for the girls.

 Yeah...this is a bro episode...I am ashamed to be male if this is the standard... 

6) Starfire is very cold....
Ok, so...this may be more common in the comics but, Starfire is cold to Robin. The relationship in the old show, the two had feelings but they rarely showed them either waiting for the other to reveal it or afraid it would ruin things.  In Teen Titans Go, robin is really creepy, almost stalker, obsession (i wouldn't be surprised if there was a shrine of her) where he will try to ruin any guy that could make her happy. They even did an episode where he was realizing he was maybe psychotic (not that bad actually) however on several occasions Starfire states 'She will never love Robin' I think that's very harsh and out of character for Starfire, now she may not love him. But don't think she would ever say Never will love, to a friend. She doesn't even try to do a gentle friends thing. Just when Robin asks says 'Never love' it's just COLD. He may be creepy but he's still your friend.
Also she actually teases Robin with a bikini she bought. Not sure if she knew what was in his mind, and when he didn't make a pool like she seemed to have wanted to do the right thing and make a place for senior citizens. She puts it on Silkie (pretty disturbing sight...)

5) Cyborg is a stupid robot....not a cyborg
So one thing I liked from the old Teen Titans show, was the relationship between Beast Boy and Cyborg. BB not being too smart but still capable of hanging with Cyborg. In this, Cyborg is an inventor but for the most part he's as dumb as Beast Boy (sometimes dumber) except for the few times he builds anything. Then add on that HIS HEAD IS DETACHABLE, and it walks around on a cluster of wires. I am pretty sure he can't do that. Also they treat his body as a suit, IF IT WAS JUST A SUIT then half of Cyborg wouldn't matter nearly as much.

Granted this is my preffered design for Cyborg (though not in the style i prefer)
I don't think Cyborg works like this pretty sure he'd be dead.

4) Trigon is a JOKE
So if you watched the old Teen Titans you may remember the Trigon arc, and the fear it may of installed. I for one remember how hopeless the scenario seemed when he was there. How is he done in TTGo? Oh well he is a sitcom like dad, he only wants the best for his daughter. The first time he appears and talks, he is not evil. In fact, Raven comes off as pathetic because she spends a chunk of it just being a whiny teen. Trigon also goes to give the other titans any wish they want. I can't explain it but....UGH terrible thing to do to him....I haven't seen Slade in it and I really hope Mr. Wilson keeps far, far, far away from this.

This is Trigon scary guy right? So why would he be turned into...
This.... Trigon in Teen Titans Go...I don't blame you if you stop here

3) BATMAN SUCKS, I am not the biggest fan of Batman, but he is no where near useless. He is shown numerous times with Commisioner Gordon. Not stopping Crime, not discussing Crime. They are just hanging out. This alone isn't that bad an idea....until you factor in, they sometimes straight up ignore like half the police force chasing an enemy and they just stare at the sky laughing. Then add on Batman is implied to have NO respect for Robin. It would explain the low self esteem in Robin from time to time. However while batman may not always listen to Robin he seems to always have some respect for Robin.
Added thought, if they're in Jump city. Gordon could be on some kind of vacation, but Batman never takes vacations, what's he doing in Jump city....who's watching Gotham? 

2) The Hive five aren't bad
SO i've seen several epsiodes with the Hive five Gizmo, Mammoth, Jynx, Billy Numerous, and See more (think that's his name) they aren't that bad. They show more positive traits in Gizmo and Jynx (because i haven't seen any of the others get developed) then in Robin and Cyborg, they have actually shown honor in a game where the Titans chose to cheat.

1) Jump City is screwed
So Jump City's heroes are the Teen Titans. How screwed it is. As I said in 2, the Hive Five showed honor in a dodge ball tournament. While the Titans cheated and when it seemed like the Hive was going to win, they get the Hive arrested so they won by default. the entirety of the team sucks. they are stupid, immature, and seem to have no idea what they are doing. They overreact, they are shallow, they choose to violently beat they're problems whenever possible. Robin cut down a tree of infinite wisdom, Beast Boy and Cyborg sat staring at a pizza for decades and then ruins their friends better lives so they could be happy. There is so much wrong with these people.

 What wonderful heroes we have....

Now I must go do something that'll make me forget this...