Saturday, July 19, 2014


My definition of hero for this list. Is someone or something that fights to defend something, with unique skills, powers, or equipment.

I am also only including characters from the shows I have seen at this moment.

I also like to state THIS IS MY OPINION, so please be respectful and I will be too.


So starting off with the least serious thing on the list. FRAKAZOID. This is from the 90s and is about a teenage boy who through pure chance got sucked into the internet fused with it and became a super powered crazy person known as FREAKAZOID. Oh this is a hilarious hero, he has actually saved the day sometimes through simply yelling at his villains. He has super strength, speed, and other powers (flight not included though he likes to pretend) yet he seems to rarely use them to actually save the day. Freakazoid is low on the list for he is comical (good since he's from a comedy) and most of his enemies are actually pretty stupid themselves. One of them is literally just his fanboy, but you can't help but love this guy.
9) Lion-O from Thundercats2011
So, before I start I did not see the original Thundercats, so I have no nostalgia or another Lion-O to compare it too other then the image. So I liked this Lion-O he starts as a young prince, who is obsessed with technology, and not as strong as his brother. You see through the show him actually growing and make mistakes. He doesn't have much superpowers compared to the rest of his planet of animal people. He has an interesting sword of Omens with has it's own unique back story. The sword allows him to see the future though he isn't sure what it's showing him sometimes. He was a leader of a pretty strange group. A soldier/mechanic, a priestess speedster, his stealthy brother, two mischievous thieves/tricksters.
I enjoyed watching his journey and was curious to see how he'd deal in the final moment. Unfortunately I think the season will never be continued so he is sadly unfinished hero and because of that he is severely hindered on this list.

8) Godzilla Jr. from Godzilla the series
Who is this? GODZILLA! Well kind of. it's technically Godjira, and Godjira Jr. yeah it's from a spinoff series that godzilla movie, the one a lot of people complain about with 'worm guy'. Well this show focused on worm guy and a group a scientists, raising the last survivng child of Godzilla. Worm guy discovered it and it had imprint on him as it's mother. A bit later we got Godzilla Jr. at least I like calling him that. Unlike his mother, he has a more of the original godzilla idea. atomic fire breath, he isn't as big as the movie Godzilla making stealth easier, Godzilla Jr. is also smarter and able to learn at a fast rate for a giant lizard. Godzilla Jr. fought a lot of things, mainly giant monsters (which is to be expected) what is probably Godzilla Jr.'s worst trait is how little itself got to grow. It beat Lion-O because of it's awesome size, powers, efficient supporting cast, and enemies.
7)  Megas XLR/Coop from MEGAS XLR
Say Hello to Coop, a fat grease monkey, gamer from Jersey. He may not be the smartest guy, nor the best looking, nor the best shape. He even lives with his mother still as I recall. this show was on back in the early 2000s (I feel old) and this was the only character and possibly one of the few ever. Coop may be stupid in most forms, but he is an everyday guy who found himself a mecha from the future. This mecha turns out to be Megas XLR. Coop removes the robots head, puts his car on the top hooked it up to the robot. Replaced a lot of the important bits with video games components, before wireless. Coop is a hero, but not exactly the best. He fights aliens, giant robots and even himself once. he has two copilots (though not needed) Kiva a girl from the future meant to pilot Megas but now trains Coop who is the only person able to handle Megas XLR strange add ons, and Jamie his best friend who is a pretty selfish guy at times and saw Megas XLR as a way to get chicks at first. Jamie does very little other then influence Coop and talk to him so he is probably mainly just comedy relief but Coop. Coop is the man, he has all the awesome power of a giant robot which seemed to have infinite ammunition. He though outside of fighting robots and going to space. He fallows the laws of the road. I can go ON and ON about this but i'll save that for an official show review. To sum up, Coop is a normal guy who just happened to have a giant robot car. (I wrote this while listening to the theme song)
6)  Max Steel (max and steel) from Max Steel

Meet Max a human with something called Turbo energy, and Steel an alien robot that runs on Turbo energy. Together they make one of the most creative names EVER Max Steel. Oh you got no idea how much I hate that, Steel is hidden most of the time but if he was it'd be completely obvious who Max Steel is. So this show is still going on and apparently a reboot of another older show, I never saw the original but it sounds like the only thing in common is the name. Max has something called Turbo energy, and he generates it and after merging with Steel. If they don't relink once in awhile he runs a chance of going critical and implied to explode. Steel runs on the energy so if he doesn't return to Max he just runs out of battery and 'dies'. Max Steel works with a secret military operation which his uncle is a major part, and his late father was a part of. Max Steel's powers vary they change forms called Turbo forms and at the time of this post he has, Super, Flight, Strength, Scuba, Cannon, Mimic (Steel changes), Clone, Stealth, speed. Max Steel Turbo energy short circuits most vehicles and therefore he had to have a custom jet, car, and bike designed for him which each have their own turbo forms.  The show is still going on and he has an interesting set of opponents, mostly freaks from something, and currently an alien race called Ultralinks (what Steel is). It's sort of hard to explain Max Steel without going too much into the show and possibly spoiling things.

5) Randy Cunningham/the ninja from Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja
So the star of the show (with one of the LONGEST NAMES EVER) so this is Randy Cunningham a highschool freshman who was chosen to be the new ninja. The ninja is a local superhero who is most of the time (at least as randy) A TERRIBLE ninja. Randy has a habit of yelling what he is doing 'Ninja wall run!' though he is often not in very stealth based scenarios. Randy's main enemies use technology monsters (robots and cyborgs mostly) or magical monsters which are for the most part unstoppable unless as randy puts it 'Destank' having to destroy something connected to a negative emotion which turned them into a monster. The Ninja seems to have limitless potential. the scarf seems to be infinite, the ninja can alter their own body (at least appearance wise) with mental power, turn invisible, can generate weapons from the suit itself that seems to be invincible against evil. Eventually he gets whats called 'ninja balls' which are special balls that have numerous diffrent elements. It also seems to be that the ninja can perform magic granted through mostly chants. The ninja probably has a lot more i'm not considering but I will save that for the future.
4) Jake Long the American Dragon from American Dragon Jake Long
I will start I was not a fan when they redesigned the show. I liked this show for it focused the American Dragon Jake Long. Jake was an Asian american teenager. He is notably short even for his age and he lives in a universe where all magical creatures exist in hiding on Earth. Dragons which have the power to hide as human (or humans that turn into dragons) Jake learns from his Grandpa the chinese dragon and an ancient magical talking dog simply called 'Fu dog'. Jake is the american dragon and thus it is his job to defend as many things in the magical world as he can from evil. For this series was mainly the Huntsclan a group of humans who born with a special birthmark and hunt down magical creatures. Jake is a bit clumsy but capable of a lot of abiltiy. he in human form use some of his dragon powers and do partial transformations. 
3) Danny Phantom from Danny Phantom
Danny was just boy of 14 when his parents created a strange machine.....he is the son of two infamous ghost hunters. His parents make a dozen inventions but for the most part are seen as idiots for believing in ghosts and add on Danny father is a bit of an idiot. Danny got curious and ended up half ghost (think that makes him half dead) Danny main enemy is ghosts which he uses some of his parents inventions to capture. Danny tends to scream 'going ghost' to initiate his transformation. Danny can use his powers without transforming but mainly uses them in his Danny Phantom form. throughout the show he developed several powers. Intangibility, flight, ecto blasts, ghostly wail, ice breath, ghost detection and possession of others. The show was very enjoyable and will probably be reviewed in the future. 
2) Ben Tennyson: Ben 10
Ben 10 young and Old, when he was ten years old he discovered a strange alien watch that bonded to his DNA. Giving him the power to turn into aliens. Ben being a kid on a road trip mainly used it for selfish reasoning, fight crime, and fight off alien threats usually after the watch. When he turned 16 he re-dawns the watch known now as the omnitrix. the omnitrix always unlocking more aliens allowing Ben to have a dozen powers. His adult form was called Ben 10000 which is a pretty huge list of possible powers.
1) Rex: Generator Rex
Rex was one of my favorite characters I have ever seen on cartoon network. This show was made by same people who did Ben 10, Rex from a young age got into an accident and received Nanites. in his universe Nanites are micro machines that can do about anything. In rex's case allows him to control machines by touch, or create machines (Sword as above, a giant gun that shoots anything, a bike, wings with engines, giant fists, whips, and some more) and he is the only known thing that can cure an EVO (mutated by nanites). His major enemies have been an EVO manipulator who can manipulate  other EVOs create EVOs and was leader of his own country that was swarming with EVOs, and power hungry group wanting the power of gods through nanites. This is almost impossible to talk about further without spoilers. I just think he is an awesome character.

What did you think of my list? Agree disagree? Got anything you want me to consider watching or to do top tens of? Let me know.
- Honored Cur

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